Event Series SOS – Survivors of Suicide Group

SOS – Survivors of Suicide Group

Unity of Houston - Chapel 2929 Unity Drive, Houston, TX, United States

Facilitated by Rev. Cindy Cline, ILLLI ordained This group meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month  This is a group for people who are coping with the devastating loss of a loved one to suicide. This group offers a safe and loving space for survivors to come for comfort and healing. If you have lost […]

Unity Women – November

Unity of Houston - Chapel 2929 Unity Drive, Houston, TX, United States

Getting to Know Your Women Ministers Facilitated by Donalayah In-person only Are there questions you’ve always wanted to ask one of our women ministers? This is your chance to engage with these ladies about their beliefs, background, spiritual practices, hobbies...whatever you wish to ask! We’ll get to know them up close and personal. Donation Please […]

“Dejando Al Amor Ser”

Unity of Houston - Chapel 2929 Unity Drive, Houston, TX, United States

Facilitado por Rev. Ana Quintana Como continuación del mensaje dominical, este taller se enfocará en mejorar la comunicación que trasciende la mente y se conecta a través del corazón. El propósito es elevar los niveles vibracionales del amor mediante cuatro acciones específicas, las cuales RevAna nos guiará para facilitar en esta tarea. RevAna Quintana originaria […]

Expresando Nuestro Propósito

Unity of Houston - Chapel 2929 Unity Drive, Houston, TX, United States

Facilitated by Rev. Claudia Olmos Estamos celebrando nuestro 6to aniversario, en este taller dinámico, donde contemplaremos nuestro crecimiento y evolución de nuestro ministerio para empoderarnos y así seguir expresar nuestro propósito individual y en comunidad. Tendremos cuidado de niños pero debes registrarte antes del 2/25/2024 https://unityhouston.org/family-children/youth/childcare/ Incluye almuerzo. Costo: Gratis

Prosperity Plus – Sunday Afternoons

Unity of Houston - Chapel 2929 Unity Drive, Houston, TX, United States

Facilitated by Rev. Michael Gott 7-week Course Sundays, February 4, 11, 18, 25 and March 3, 10, 17 Registration closes after the second class. Childcare is available for this class. Please complete this CHILDCARE REQUEST FORM at least 1 week in advance. There is no tuition fee for this class, the class is based on tithing instead. […]