Oneness Blessings

Clarity. Joy. Serenity.

What is the Oneness Blessing?

The Oneness Blessing (also known as Oneness Deeksha or Diksha) is a non- denominational benediction. A unique and specific blessing. It is the transfer of Divine Energy which, over time is designed to bring about the state of Oneness in the recipient. This energy has been brought to the world through Divine Grace and is being bestowed upon humanity.

What happens during the Oneness Blessing?

The Oneness Blessing initiates a neurobiological change in the brain that when complete enables the senses to be free from the interference of the mind. When the senses are unclouded by the mind’s interpretations, a natural clarity of perception occurs with accompanying spontaneous feelings of joy, inner calmness and connection to the Oneness in everything.

How is the Oneness Blessing transferred? What might I experience?

Oneness Blessing is transferred by the Oneness Facilitator by placing his or her hands onto the crown of your head, usually for about 1 minute. Experiences during the Oneness Blessing vary, sometimes strong, sometimes subtle, sometimes delayed until even days later. The recipient may experience a tingling sensation in the head, or blissful energy flowing through the body, or sometimes nothing at all. Whatever the experience, the recipient can trust that the process of Oneness has begun, a process designed by Divine Grace for your own nature that will lead gradually (or sometimes spontaneously) into your own Awakening.

Who can offer the Oneness Blessing to others?

The Oneness Blessing can be transferred by anyone who has received the training during a special process at our Oneness Awakening Course. These people are often referred to as Oneness Facilitators or Oneness Blessing Givers. The Oneness Blessing Giver then works, as an empty vessel, for the energy to transfer to the recipient.

Can anyone receive the benefits of the Oneness Blessing?

Yes. It is not necessary to attend the Oneness University in order to receive the benefits of the Oneness Blessing. All adults and children can receive the Oneness Blessing at any time.

I wish to become a Oneness Facilitator and give the Oneness Blessing to others.

Please contact Janis Shanks at for more information on how to become a blessing giver.

Does the Oneness Blessing adhere to any particular religion or belief?

The Oneness Blessing does not adhere to any religion, nor any particular belief nor spiritual path. The Oneness Blessing is given each day to people all over the world, people of all races, all religions, all spiritual beliefs or no spiritual beliefs, and to people of all nationalities. It is not necessary to change one’s religion, nor adopt a new guru or spiritual master to receive the Oneness Blessing – nor to offer the Oneness Blessing to others.

Why has the Oneness Blessing come at this time?

Our planet, and all of humanity, is currently undergoing a major evolutionary transformation. This is impacting our environment, our social structures, and our individual and collective consciousness. The co-founders of the Oneness University, Sri Bhagavan and Sri Amma, are here to help with this transformation.  Click here for more about the Oneness Blessing.

We welcome any feedback on the experience from those who have received a blessing. Please email your comments