11 am | Sunday Morning Service | Rev. Shirley Knight

Date and Time: Sunday, April 21, 2024 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Sanctuary & Livestream

Sunday, April 21: "Love Springs from Honesty" Rev. Shirley Knight Living effectively involves being honest about the human experience. In this universe things appear and…

Sunday, April 21: Love Springs from Honesty

Rev. Shirley Knight

Living effectively involves being honest about the human experience. In this universe things appear and disappear. Instead of focusing on objects, we can focus on being a bridge between the seen and the unseen, between the mundane and the sacred, and between the personal self and the Eternal Self. When we are honest about who we are in this space of possibility, we bring forth creativity, inspiration, love, effective language, and other aspects of the Divine.

Parents: Please sign in your children in at the Youth & Family Ministry Building before the service.

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Our Sunday morning services are open for in-person attendance and they are livestreamed. They are our most well-attended services during the week. These services incorporate an uplifting music program, guided meditation and a positive, thought-provoking message delivered. Our Youth & Family Ministry is open, currently for children 18 months and older. For more information, visit https://unityhouston.org/family-children/youth/