Everyone needs some care & support at times. We are here to provide that, to walk with each other along the path of being and becoming. At Unity, we offer a number of ways to care for you. Please let us know how we can support you best.
If you or someone you know from our ministry is going through a healing challenge, whether a family member or friend, please contact our Pastoral Care Coordinator. Your request will be relayed so a Pastoral Care Ministry Team member may contact them. These services offer many different ways to support our community. Such as:
• Prayer
• Hospital visits
• Home visits
• Nursing home visits
• Hospice visits
• Grief and loss workshops
• Grief and loss counseling
Through our Pastoral Care Team we offer compassionate emotional and spiritual support to members, congregants and friends who are—or have a loved one who is—experiencing illness, moving through the conscious living/conscious dying process, bereaved or experiencing a life crisis. The bedrock of support offered by our Pastoral Care Team is a prayerful awareness of absolute wholeness and we see peace when a major life change makes life seem out of control.
In difficult and demanding times such as a critical illness or other traumas in life, people may experience high stress, reducing their ability to cope. At these times the help of others may be very valuable. Family members and friends are often a very important support, and sometimes the presence of a person who is more emotionally detached from the situation can be very helpful. This is a role of the Pastoral Care Team.
The Pastoral Care Team recognizes that each person is on their own unique spiritual journey. We honor that journey and the team offers support to others in knowing and expressing their Christ Nature. The focus is on emotional support and spiritual care.
To seek assistance for yourself or for another contact pastoralcare@unityhouston.org. You may also call the church office at 713-782-4050 and leave a message.
Spiritual Counseling
We care about you!
Spiritual counseling is assisting a person with finding and developing a right relationship with God Source. It is dedicated to the spiritual growth and understanding of the client. We are Fully human and Fully divine, and it is necessary to awaken to and grow from the spiritual as well as tending our human growth and to learn that the spiritual understanding will overcome all human challenges. Spiritual Counseling is available in English and in Spanish, weekdays, on a love-offering basis. Please call to schedule an appointment at 713-782-4050.
Nos preocupamos por usted!
La consejería espiritual está ayudando a la persona a encontrar y desarrollar una relación correcta con Dios Fuente. Está dedicado al crecimiento espiritual y al entendimiento del cliente. Somos completamente humanos y completamente divinos, y es necesario despertar y crecer desde lo espiritual, así como cuidar nuestro crecimiento humano y aprender que el entendimiento espiritual superará todos los desafíos humanos. Asesoramiento espiritual / Coaching está disponible en inglés y español, de lunes a viernes en base a la oferta de amor. Llame para programar una cita al 713-782-4050. Todas las solicitudes son confidenciales y pueden ser anónimas.