11 am | Sunday Morning Service | Rev. Michael Gott

Date and Time: Sunday, November 17, 2024 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Sanctuary & Livestream


Sunday, November 17, 2024 @ 11:00 am 12:00 pm

“Compassion – Where Love Meets Pain”

Rev. Michael Gott

Sometimes people confuse compassion with sympathy. They are very different. To be sympathetic is to feel the pain that others feel. While this is demonstrating connection with another person who is having a hard time, the experience of taking on the emotional energy of someone in pain can be debilitating. Empaths often struggle with this. How can we be near people who are hurting without taking it on ourselves? Compassion is the way. It was His Holiness the Dalai Lama who created this definition of Compassion: “Where love meets pain.” What we seek to do is to remain rooted in the truth of Spirit’s love and power, offering our support without ourselves being triggered or immobilized. This is the way of the enlightened healer—to be fully present and remain centered and peaceful as we offer the help and support that is needed.

Parents: Please sign your kids in at their classrooms, and then take them to Wallet Hall for Pre-session activities.

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Our Sunday morning services are open for in-person attendance and they are livestreamed. They are our most well-attended services during the week. These services incorporate an uplifting music program, guided meditation and a positive, thought-provoking message delivered. Our Youth & Family Ministry is open, currently for children 18 months and older. For more information, visit https://unityhouston.org/family-children/youth/