January 5, 2025 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
“Finding Who You Truly Are”
Rev. Michael Gott
To discover our purpose, we must first know who we are. Not the false selves of obligation and culture, but our true being. We are an individualized expression of divine creativity and love. We are here to “discover and deliver the authentic self” as Rumi says. And this self-knowledge is an evolutionary process, not a one-time event. As we begin this new year, let us commit ourselves to our spiritual growth and healing, knowing that as we learn more of the truth of our being, the more available we are to serve the world.
Parents: Please sign your kids in at their classrooms, and then take them to Wallet Hall for Pre-session activities.
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You can also visit the Media Center section of our website for previous lessons and meditations.
Our Sunday morning services are open for in-person attendance and they are livestreamed. They are our most well-attended services during the week. These services incorporate an uplifting music program, guided meditation and a positive, thought-provoking message delivered. Our Youth & Family Ministry is open, currently for children 18 months and older. For more information, visit https://unityhouston.org/family-children/youth/