Event Series Pet Food & Supplies Donations

Pet Food & Supplies Donations

Unity of Houston - Sanctuary Drive-Through 2929 Unity Drive, Houston, TX, United States

On the last Sunday of the month, we'll collect donations for a pet food bank, typically benefiting Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston's Animeals program. You can find the collection bin at our Sanctuary courtyard drive-thru. Please bring non-perishable dog & cat food items and supplies. Cash donations are also gratefully received. And if you need […]

Event Series Coat & Blanket Drive

Coat & Blanket Drive

Unity of Houston - Sanctuary Drive-Through 2929 Unity Drive, Houston, TX, United States

Sundays, November 17 & 24 Help provide winter warmth for someone! Unity in the Community will collet clean, used and new blankets and coats on Sundays, November 17 & 24. All items will be donated to people experiencing homelessness through The Beacon Homeless Day Shelter. Sign Up to Volunteer with this event!