11 am | Sunday Morning Service | Rev. Michael Gott

Date and Time: Sunday, June 9, 2024 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Sanctuary & Livestream

Sunday, June 9: Friendship Sunday "Friendship - The Gift of Knowing and Being Known" Rev. Michael Gott We are not meant to live in isolation.…

Sunday, June 9: Friendship Sunday

“Friendship – The Gift of Knowing and Being Known”

Rev. Michael Gott

We are not meant to live in isolation. Humans are social by nature. Yet we are also full of complexities and inconsistencies and sometimes human relationships become difficult–impossible even. But if we can grow our capacity for compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance, we will find that we are able to stay connected and deepen our friendships, even in difficult times. And herein lies the gold, the true treasure of a lifetime.

Parents: Please sign in your children in at the Youth & Family Ministry Building before the service.

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Our Sunday morning services are open for in-person attendance and they are livestreamed. They are our most well-attended services during the week. These services incorporate an uplifting music program, guided meditation and a positive, thought-provoking message delivered. Our Youth & Family Ministry is open, currently for children 18 months and older. For more information, visit https://unityhouston.org/family-children/youth/