Unity of Houston – Sanctuary Drive-Through
Pet Food & Supplies Donations
Unity of Houston - Sanctuary Drive-Through 2929 Unity Drive, Houston, TX, United StatesOn the last Sunday of the month, we'll collect donations for a pet food bank, typically benefiting Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston's Animeals program. You can find the collection bin at our Sanctuary courtyard drive-thru. Please bring non-perishable dog & cat food items and supplies. Cash donations are also gratefully received. And if you need […]
Pet Food & Supplies Donations
Unity of Houston - Sanctuary Drive-Through 2929 Unity Drive, Houston, TX, United StatesOn the last Sunday of the month, we'll collect donations for a pet food bank, typically benefiting Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston's Animeals program. You can find the collection bin at our Sanctuary courtyard drive-thru. Please bring non-perishable dog & cat food items and supplies. Cash donations are also gratefully received. And if you need […]
Pet Food & Supplies Donations
Unity of Houston - Sanctuary Drive-Through 2929 Unity Drive, Houston, TX, United StatesOn the last Sunday of the month, we'll collect donations for a pet food bank, typically benefiting Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston's Animeals program. You can find the collection bin at our Sanctuary courtyard drive-thru. Please bring non-perishable dog & cat food items and supplies. Cash donations are also gratefully received. And if you need […]
Coat & Blanket Drive 2023
Unity of Houston - Sanctuary Drive-Through 2929 Unity Drive, Houston, TX, United StatesFacilitated by Unity in the Community November 12, 14, and 19 Cool weather will be coming and we can share our abundance with others. During the week of November 13-20, we will collect donations of clean, used and new blankets and coats. All items will be donated to people experiencing homelessness through The Beacon Homeless […]
World Homeless Weekend – October 15
Unity of Houston - Sanctuary Drive-Through 2929 Unity Drive, Houston, TX, United StatesAt Unity of Houston, one of our 3 primary areas of community outreach is related to addressing homelessness. Join us on October 15 in supporting those who are experiencing homelessness. We will create and pass out cards to pray for homeless persons during the service. We will have a speaker from SEARCH during the service […]