Serie: Los 10 Mandamientos de la prosperidad Cuarto: Suelta y deja a Dios actuar con Giovana Specht En el proceso creativo, el descanso es crucial, como lo observamos en la naturaleza, donde el periodo de reposo esta recupera la energía que necesita para una nueva etapa de actividad. En el reino mental, este periodo de […]
On the last Sunday of the month, we'll collect donations for a pet food bank, typically benefiting Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston's Animeals program. You can find the collection bin at our Sanctuary courtyard drive-thru. Please bring non-perishable dog & cat food items and supplies. Cash donations are also gratefully received. And if you need […]
Sponsored by Unity in the Community Sign up to Volunteer On the 2nd and 4th Wednesday morning of each month, Unity of Houston volunteers, in cooperation with the Houston Food Bank, provide food for about 1,000 families in our community! This takes lots of hands and you can join us in this fun and […]
Serie: Los 10 Mandamientos de la prosperidad Quinto: Tratarás con honor a Dios y a todos tus hermanos con Rev. Claudia Olmos El quinto mandamiento nos exhorta a actuar de manera justa con nuestros padres terrenales y con todo nuestro prójimo. La Ley de la compensación nos enseña a restituir siempre el valor completo. Todas las […]
On March 3, we begin a new Sunday Talk Series: "Being the Light, Redeeming Darkness; The Paths of Creation Spirituality" In his book “Original Blessings” Matthew Fox offers us a new way to understand our relationship to Spiritual reality—moving away from sin-and-punishment theology and moving towards a mystical union with the Divine. We are here […]
Facilitated by Rev. Cindy Cline, ILLLI ordained This group meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month This is a group for people who are coping with the devastating loss of a loved one to suicide. This group offers a safe and loving space for survivors to come for comfort and healing. If you have lost […]
For Prospective Members When you become a member of Unity of Houston, you are making the decision to commit to an expanded experience of partnership and participation in our spiritual community. And for that, we are grateful! Our bylaws require that you attend new member orientation as well as a New Member Sunday service. For […]
This Reiki Circle is ongoing and occurs the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month. On the second Saturday, we will meet in person and in Zoom. On the fourth Saturday, we meet only in Zoom Facilitator: Toni DeMaio CRMT, Instructor Have you heard people talk about Reiki and thought you might like to experience […]
Serie: Los 10 Mandamientos de la prosperidad Sexto: No sacarás tus riquezas de circulación con Rev. Claudia Olmos Hay una idea aún más sutil relacionada con la palabra "matar", en la que también está implícita la palabra "muerte". La muerte representa la desintegración. El estancamiento marca el inicio de toda desintegración, y este estancamiento surge […]
On March 10, we continue our new Sunday Talk Series: "Being the Light, Redeeming Darkness; The Paths of Creation Spirituality" Sunday, March 10: "The Path of Release" Rev. Jeanmarie Eck “God is not found in the soul by adding anything but by a process of subtraction.” ~ Meister Eckhart When you close your eyes to […]
"Deja de sufrir" Facilitado por Malena Orozco “Deja de sufrir” Facilitado por Malena Orozco Nuestras reuniones comienzan con un “Potluck” donde compartimos bocadillos y socializamos un poco antes de comenzar con nuestras charlas. Te pedimos por favor traer un platillo para compartir con las asistentes. En esta charla Malena compartirá su experiencia, y transmitirá la […]
Sponsored by Unity in the Community Sign up to Volunteer On the 2nd and 4th Wednesday morning of each month, Unity of Houston volunteers, in cooperation with the Houston Food Bank, provide food for about 1,000 families in our community! This takes lots of hands and you can join us in this fun and rewarding […]
Join us on March 16 (in Wallet Hall) and/or March 23 (in the Art Gallery) from 10 am - 1 pm as we stuff Easter Eggs for our Annual Easter Eggstravaganza. Last year we had close to 350 kids participating in the egg hunt (both Unity kids and those from the neighborhood), so we will […]
The Full-Spectrum Feminine Facilitated by Emily Williams In-person only Join Emily Williams as she shares her spiraling, 4-phase framework of the Full Spectrum Feminine. Using archetypal awareness and somatic language, layered with the 4 seasons and the Life Cycle Wisdom Map; we will scratch the surface of the feminine wisdom we may have forgotten. We’ll […]
“No abusarás de tus riquezas” Ricardo José Portillo Jesús impartió la lección de que toda acción impura es simplemente el resultado de un pensamiento impuro. Por lo tanto, el séptimo mandamiento no debe interpretarse únicamente como referente al tipo de impureza corporal, sino que incorpora una verdad esencial que se aplica a toda acción del […]
On March 17, we continue our new Sunday Talk Series: “Being the Light, Redeeming Darkness; The Paths of Creation Spirituality” Sunday, March 17: "The Path of Creativity" Rev. Michael Gott The third path in Creation Spirituality is the “Via Creativa.” After the paths of Awe and Release, we have made space to create new directions […]
Facilitado por Rev. Claudia Olmos ¿Te imaginas tomarte un día entero para ti, dedicado a renovarte y reconectarte contigo mismo? Te invito a sumergirte en la experiencia de nuestro retiro “Tiempo de conexión y renovación” el sábado 23 de marzo de 10 a.m. a 4 p.m, donde a través de diversas prácticas de meditación y […]
Join us on March 23 (in the Art Gallery) from 10 am - 1 pm as we stuff Easter Eggs for our Annual Easter Eggstravaganza. Last year we had close to 350 kids participating in the egg hunt (both Unity kids and those from the neighborhood), so we will be stuffing close to 4000 eggs. […]
“No tratarás de obtener algo a cambio de nada” Rev. Claudia Olmos Según la ley de la compensación, no existe cosa tal como algo a cambio de nada. Debemos dar la medida completa por todo lo que recibimos tarde o temprano; La persona que se encuentra desorientada al dar lo mejor de sí sin recibir […]
Palm Sunday, March 24: "The Path of Transformation" Rev. Michael Gott When each of us has allowed Divine Creativity to move through us into the world, we see our world transformed. We are participating in and partaking of the healing of our families, our communities, and humanity itself. The work of conscious evolution that we […]
Sponsored by Unity in the Community Sign up to Volunteer On the 2nd and 4th Wednesday morning of each month, Unity of Houston volunteers, in cooperation with the Houston Food Bank, provide food for about 1,000 families in our community! This takes lots of hands and you can join us in this fun and […]
Good Friday Evening Tenebrae Service Our Licensed Unity Teachers and Ministerial Students will be leading us in this meditative service as we touch the experience of Jesus’ last days and his last words through readings, candlelight, and special music by Rev. Michael Gott. This service will include a metaphysical communion ceremony.
Easter Sunday, March 31: "The Light of a New Day" Rev. Michael Gott Services at 9:00 and 11:00 am Livestream and ASL Interpreter at 11:00 am service only. Resurrection is the perfect demonstration of the four paths of Creation Spirituality. The old ways and old limitations pass away. We pass through a portal into a […]
"Domingo de resurrección: Juntos hacia un nuevo renacer” Rev. Claudia Olmos La resurrección de Jesús el Cristo nos ofrece un poderoso relato sobre el amor divino y la victoria sobre la muerte, dejándonos un mensaje perdurable de renovación y resiliencia. Nos enseña que, más allá de cualquier adversidad, siempre hay una nueva oportunidad para transformarnos […]
Facilitated by Rev. Cindy Cline, ILLLI ordained This group meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month This is a group for people who are coping with the devastating loss of a loved one to suicide. This group offers a safe and loving space for survivors to come for comfort and healing. If you have lost […]