11 am | Sunday Morning Service | Rev. Michael Gott

Date and Time: February 4, 2024 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Sanctuary & Livestream

Sunday, February 4: "The Power of Thought" Rev. Michael Gott “Few people realize that the law of thought is the great reality; that thoughts produce…

Sunday, February 4: “The Power of Thought

Rev. Michael Gott

“Few people realize that the law of thought is the great reality; that thoughts produce things.”

~ Ernest Holmes

We are thinking all the time. How much of our thinking is creative? Positive? Productive? Our teaching offers us practices and principles to help us create new ways of thinking, and therefore tap into the creative genius that is resident within us all. Are we willing to change our thinking and change our lives? And our world?

Parents: Please sign in your children in at the Youth & Family Ministry Building before the service.

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Our Sunday morning services are open for in-person attendance and they are livestreamed. They are our most well-attended services during the week. These services incorporate an uplifting music program, guided meditation and a positive, thought-provoking message delivered. Our Youth & Family Ministry is open, currently for children 18 months and older. For more information, visit https://unityhouston.org/family-children/youth/