The Path of Conscious Creation


Sometimes the world feels like it’s out of control. Circumstances change so quickly. We can lose our sense of order, of direction, of purpose. We are so richly blessed in Unity to be a part of a teaching tradition that offers us tools to help us meet the world from a spiritual perspective. We have the power of creativity and the power of intentionality within us. Are you ready to use them?

For six weeks we will discover how we can access the God-given power of conscious creation to direct the energies of life in ways that enhance our experience of abundance, wellbeing, and satisfaction. Following the blueprint given by Jesus of Nazareth in the prayer he taught his disciples, and in the 5-step affirmative prayer technique created by Ernest Holmes, we will learn to co-create the life of our deepest heart’s desire—that we may be free and fulfilled, and that we may help and inspire others.

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During the Touchstone series, Rev. Michael will be referring to the following books. If you want to have your own copies, here is the ordering information. By using the special links below for Amazon, Unity will receive a donation from each purchase.

Prayers of the Cosmos: Meditations on the Aramaic Words of Jesus, by Neil Douglas-Klotz
Order Here

A New Design for Living, by Ernest Holmes
Order Here

Sunday Services

Week 1: “Recognizing One Source of All Good”

To truly understand the nondual nature of reality opens us to a world of possibility beyond our imagination. What if nothing or no one could every really oppose you? What if there was a power for good and a divine intelligence underlying everything? To the degree that we can know the Good of God, we will live it!

Affirmation: I am part of the magnificence and wonder of the universe.


Week 2: “Thy Kingdom Come”

Most of us grew up thinking that the spiritual reality is separate from our earthly lives. This is dualism. Jesus came to shatter this worldview. He taught us that “The kingdom of heaven is within.” We are here to live lives of freedom and fulfillment. We are here to discover and deliver the authentic gift of God that we are into the world. “On earth as it is in heaven.” This is the power of Unity thinking. No separation. God is with us. God is within us!

Affirmation: Divine Love and Intelligence move through me now.

Week 3: “I Speak My Word”

You can choose. You are not a powerless victim of life circumstances. The same power with which Spirit creates and sustains the universe is alive and active within you. What do you want? Are you ready and willing to say it? To claim it? To be it?!” Whether we speak words of life and possibility or words of limitation and defeat, God always says, “Yes.” What are you choosing today?

Affirmation: I am free. I am unlimited. I choose to live in the power of Spirit today.

Week 4: “I Give Thanks”

To practice and live in gratitude sends a signal to the Universe that you are one who lives in accordance with the laws of flow and abundance. To be grateful places us in the stream of God’s generous nature. We don’t have to wait for the gift to be in our hands to say “Thank you.” Indeed, our gratitude creates an attractive force. When we give thanks we become spiritual magnets, calling in the blessings we desire.

Affirmation: I give thanks for the good that I have and all the good that is coming to me now.

Week 5: “I Release and I Trust God”

Sometimes we say we are living in faith, but we are still trying to control people and conditions. To live a life of spiritual freedom, we must trust. Jesus said, “It is the Father’s good pleasure to give us the kingdom.” Do we trust the generous and giving nature of reality? Our job in this teaching of conscious creation is not to make it happen, but rather to make it welcome! Trust God. Trust Love. All is well.

Affirmation: i release all thoughts of worry and care. I trust that Spirit is bringing me every good thing I need or desire.

Week 6: “I Celebrate My Good”

The law is a perfect mirror of our consciousness. We don’t manifest our wishes or wants. We manifest our embodied beliefs. By using these tools, we learn to change who we are—or more truly to discover who we are already. This is cause for celebration. When we step into a joyous and celebratory way of living, we open the doors of a new reality, a new and higher order of living. Let’s get the party started!

Affirmation: I live in joyous freedom. I celebrate my life. I celebrate my good. I celebrate the wonder and possibility of Life itself.