Transformed by Truth


September 29 through November 3

As we conclude our Centennial Celebration here at Unity, we will come together as a community to study Lessons in Truth by H. Emilie Cady.  The principles taught in this timeless book have been changing the lives of our community members for 100 years.  For six weeks on Sundays and Wednesdays we will explore the spiritual power that resides within us all and learn the tools that will help us unlock this power so that we can become who we are created to be in Spirit—whole, free, connected.

Who do you believe yourself to be?  What is your perception of God? How can you manifest the life of your dreams?

We will take up these and other questions and take a journey of spiritual transformation together.  We will leave behind our limiting thoughts and false beliefs as we step into our true identities as expressions of God’s unlimited love. We will be “Transformed by the renewing of our minds.”

WEEK 1: Bondage or Liberty, Which?

We are not meant for lives of struggle and suffering.  We are created in the image of God and are imbued with God’s own power and creativity.  Are you ready to use this power to create the life of freedom your soul knows is yours?

Week 1 Affirmation: I allow Divine Presence to set me free.

WEEK 2: Your Creative Thought

Our thinking creates our experience. We interact with our spiritual power through our thoughts.  There are universal laws that we can use to harness the power of our minds for good, for change, for spiritual transformation. Let’s claim this power now!

Week 2 Affirmation:  I am a beautiful child of God, living in a beautiful world, filled with a beautiful spirit.

WEEK 3: Affirmations & Denials

Scripture tells us that “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” The words we speak matter!  We can choose to deny the power of conditions to limit our freedom, and to affirm the truth of who God has created us to be!

Week 3 Affirmation: I release all that no longer serves me as I claim the Good that is mine in God.

WEEK 4: Spiritual Understanding

Jesus said, “You will know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”  This does not mean an intellectual knowledge.  Spiritual understanding of truth means that we have embodied it, LIVED it!  This is our calling: to move from head knowledge of these principles to realization—to demonstrate it in all that we do.

Week 4 Affirmation: All that I need to know is already within me.

WEEK 5: Finding the Secret Place

Deep within the heart of every human being, there is a longing for spiritual “home,” of connection, of Oneness. We know that we are not meant to live lives of pain and scarcity.  No one else can open the door to the kingdom of heaven within us. If we are willing to sit in the stillness, we can always hear the “still small voice” of God’s truth.

Week 5 Affirmation: I breathe in peace and wholeness, tapping into the holy stream of Divine Wisdom.

WEEK 6: Centennial Sunday – Unity of the Spirit

When we release our resistance and move in the flow of Spirit, we are led to new opportunities for growth and expansion.  God’s will is always for greater freedom and joy.  Our pain comes from our thoughts of separation.

Week 6 Affirmation: God’s power and love are in me now. I can do all that is mine to do.